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Network: ERC-721 (Ethereum main net)
Data storage: IPFS
Total supply: 5,000 pieces
Minting means: ETH / MVL
NFT design data is divided into aspects of product design such as ONiON T1's body, light, wheels, and background elements.
In terms of product design, 15 parts were modeled based on the actual ONiON T1, and each was composed of various colors and designs. However, to maintain aesthetic consistency, some combinations of parts were linked and combined into eight large groups. After that, various designs such as police cars, fire truck-shaped tuk-tuks, or tuk-tuks with propellers or weapons can be created according to a random combination formula that considers rarity.
The background design is currently being prepared with nine types of monochrome backgrounds, but in the future, we plan to provide a background decoration function that you can choose according to your taste and the design of the EV NFT you have.
In addition, we plan to include marks such as 1st edition and 2nd edition for each minting stage so that first-time holders can have a greater sense of belonging to the community.
These ideas are carried out by accommodating the directly suggested by the DEMONEERs.
Actual vehicle data is linked to NFT, and vehicle data is largely divided into driving and event data.
Driving data refers to the mileage and operating time obtained by MVL's connected vehicle technology, and event data is obtained from repair shops and insurance companies in the event of an accident. This is the only record of an actual vehicle, providing a unique value to each MVL NFT.
These NFT-linked data will be implemented as EV's stats, fuel, and goods so that you can more easily explore the DEMO world. However, considering balancing with those who do not have NFTs or NFTs whose vehicles do not have much mileage, we plan not to make a massive difference in ability.
Considering that the local ONiON team is also focusing on production, sales, and management, as it is currently in the early stages of vehicle launch, a page where NFT holders can directly check vehicle data will be released in the second half of the year.